Giza Lying Down Sizes

Here we provide a graphic (and some math) to help explain available space inside the pyramid while lying down relative to a person’s height. Below are shown with blue lines all eight sizes offered for the Giza pyramid. The orange figure is five feet tall. The green figure is six feet tall.

Doing Corner to Corner Math

Doing Corner to Corner Math

Doing the Math

The distance between opposite corners of a square is found by multiplying the length of one of the sides by 1.414. For example, the Giza 71 has four ten-foot sides. 10 X 1.414 is 14.14. Hence, the distance between opposite corners in a Giza 71 is 14.14 inches. However, the human body does not (thankfully) come to a point at head and feet, so an adjustment must be made for this. Assuming the average person is about two feet wide shoulder to shoulder (and perhaps more than this at the feet if we allow our feet to spread out a bit), we give ourselves an extra foot above and below to account for this (see light red lines).

How You Will Fit

How You Will Fit

How You Will Fit

Let’s test it. You’re five foot three. You want a Giza 50 and you’d like to lie down. We want to establish whether you can comfortably lie down corner to corner. Time for some math. You check Giza 50 "Specifications," and it reads "Base: Allow 7 sq ft." which tells you that each side of the base is 7 feet long.

7 x 1.414 = 9.898 feet diagonally. Subtract the head and toe space for your two-foot-wide body and you have 7.898 feet remaining. From that subtract your 5 foot 3 body and you have about 2 feet 8 inches of wiggle room. Divide this in two and you know you there’s about 16 inches to spare both above your head and below your feet. Perhaps a Giza 46 is enough. Do the math again and see.